Materials for excitons–polaritons: Exploiting the diversity of semiconductors,
J. Bellessa, J. Bloch, E. Deleporte, V. M. Menon, H. S. Nguyen, H. Ohadi, S. Ravets, and T. Boulier, MRS Bulletin 49, 932–947 (2024).
Phase diagram and universal scaling regimes of two-dimensional exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensates,
F. Helluin, D. Pinto-dias, Q. Fontaine, S. Ravets, J. Bloch, A. Minguzzi, L. Canet, arXiv:2411.04311 (2024).
Thouless pumping in a driven-dissipative Kerr resonator array,
S. Ravets, N. Pernet, N. Mostaan, N. Goldman, J. Bloch, arXiv:2407.02627 (2024).
Probing many-body correlations using quantum-cascade correlation spectroscopy,
L. Scarpelli, C. Elouard, M. Johnsson, M. Morassi, A. Lemaitre, I. Carusotto, J. Bloch, S. Ravets, M. Richard, T. Volz, Nature Physics 20, 214 (2024).
Bogoliubov excitations driven by thermal lattice phonons in a quantum fluid of light,
Irénée Frérot, Amit Vashisht, Martina Morassi, Aristide Lemaître, Sylvain Ravets, Jacqueline Bloch, Anna Minguzzi, Maxime Richard, Phys. Rev. X 13, 041058 (2023).
Phase diagram of one-dimensional driven-dissipative exciton-polariton condensates,
Francesco Vercesi, Quentin Fontaine, Sylvain Ravets, Jacqueline Bloch, Maxime Richard, Léonie Canet, Anna Minguzzi, Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043062 (2023).
Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality in discrete two-dimensional driven-dissipative exciton polariton condensates,
K. Deligiannis, Q. Fontaine, D. Squizzato, M. Richard, S. Ravets, J. Bloch, A. Minguzzi, L. Canet, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043207 (2022).
Enhanced Cavity Optomechanics with Quantum-Well Exciton Polaritons,
Nicola Carlon Zambon, Zakari Denis, Romain De Oliveira, Sylvain Ravets, Cristiano Ciuti, Ivan Favero, Jacqueline Bloch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 093603 (2022).
Kardar–Parisi–Zhang universality in a one-dimensional polariton condensate,
Quentin Fontaine, Davide Squizzato, Florent Baboux, Ivan Amelio, Aristide Lemaître, Marina Morassi, Isabelle Sagnes, Luc Le Gratiet, Abdelmounaim Harouri, Michiel Wouters, Iacopo Carusotto, Alberto Amo, Maxime Richard, Anna Minguzzi, Léonie Canet, Sylvain Ravets, Jacqueline Bloch, Nature 608, 687 (2022).
Reconfigurable photon localization by coherent drive and dissipation in photonic lattices,
O. Jamadi, B. Real, K. Sawicki, C. Hainaut, A. Gonzalez-Tudela, N. Pernet, I. Sagnes, M. Morassi, A. Lemaitre, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, S. Ravets, J. Bloch, A. Amo, Optica 9, 706 (2022).
Few-photon all-optical phase rotation in a quantum-well micropillar cavity,
T. Kuriakose, P. M. Walker, T. Dowling, O. Kyriienko, I. A. Shelykh, P. St-Jean, N. Carlon Zambon, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, L. Legratiet, A. Harouri, S. Ravets, M. S. Skolnick, A. Amo, J. Bloch, D. N. Krizhanovskii, Nature Photonics 16, 566 (2022).
Gap solitons in a one-dimensional driven-dissipative topological lattice,
N. Pernet, P. St-Jean, D. D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, N. Carlon Zambon, B. Real, O. Jamadi, A. Lemaître, M. Morassi, L. Le Gratiet, T. Baptiste, A. Harouri, I. Sagnes, A. Amo, S. Ravets, J. Bloch, Nature Physics 18, 678 (2022).
Chiral emission induced by optical Zeeman effect in polariton micropillars,
B. Real, N. Carlon Zambon, P. St-Jean, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, S. Ravets, J. Bloch, A. Amo, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043161 (2021).
Microcavity polaritons for topological photonics,
D. D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, P. St-Jean, S. Ravets, J. Bloch, A. Amo, Optical Materials Express 11, 1119 (2021).
Selected as Editors' pick.
Measuring topological invariants in polaritonic graphene,
P. St-Jean, A. Dauphin, P. Massignan, B. Real, O. Jamadi, M. Milićević, A. Lemaître, A. Harouri, L. Le Gratiet, I. Sagnes, S. Ravets, J. Bloch, A. Amo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 127403 (2021).
Selcted as PRL's Editor's suggestion.
Semi-Dirac transport and anisotropic localization in polariton honeycomb lattices,
B. Real, O. Jamadi, M. Milićević, N. Perent, P. St-Jean, T. Ozawa, G. Montambaux, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, S. Ravets, J. Bloch, A. Amo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 186601 (2020).
Emergence of criticality through a cascade of delocalization transitions in quasiperiodic chains,
V. Goblot, A. Štrkalj, N. Pernet, J. L. Lado, C. Dorow, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, I. Sagnes, S. Ravets, A. Amo, J. Bloch, O. Zilberberg, Nature Physics 16, 832 (2020).
Parametric instability in coupled nonlinear microcavities,
N. Carlon Zambon, S. R. K. Rodriguez, A. Lemaitre, A. Harouri, L. Le Gratiet, I. Sagnes, P. St-Jean, S. Ravets, A. Amo, J. Bloch, Phys. Rev. A 102, 023526 (2020).
Nonlinear Polariton Fluids in a Flatband Reveal Discrete Gap Solitons,
V. Goblot, B. Rauer, F. Vicentini, A. Le Boité, E. Galopin, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, I. Sagnes, S. Ravets, C. Ciuti, A. Amo, J. Bloch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 113901 (2019).
Orbital angular momentum bistability in a microlaser,
N. Carlon Zambon, P. St-Jean, A. Lemaître, A. Harouri, L. Le Gratiet, I. Sagnes, S. Ravets, A. Amo, J. Bloch, Optics Letters 44, 4531 (2019).
Nonlinear optics in the fractional quantum Hall regime,
Knüppel, P.*, Ravets, S.*, Faelt, S., Kroner, M., Wegscheider, W., and Imamoglu, A., Nature 572, 91 (2019).
See Nature Physics Research Highlights, D. Abergel, Nat. Phys. 15, 732 (2019).
Optically controlling the emission chirality of microlasers,
N. Carlon Zambon, P. St-Jean, M. Milićević, A. Lemaître, A. Harouri, L. LeGratiet, O. Bleu, D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, I. Sagnes, S. Ravets, A. Amo, J. Bloch, Nature Photonics 13, 283 (2019).
Engineering Gaussian states of light from a planar microcavity,
Van Regemortel, M., Ravets, S., Imamoglu, A., Carusotto, I., Wouters, M., accepted in SciPost Phys. 5, 13 (2018).
Polaron Polaritons in the Integer and Fractional Quantum Hall Regimes,
Ravets, S., Knüppel, P., Faelt, S., Cotlet, O., Kroner, M., Wegscheider, W., and Imamoglu, A., Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 057401 (2018).
Selected as PRL Editor’s suggestion.
Optical nanofibers: a new platform for quantum optics,
Solano, P., Grover, J. A., Hoffman, J. E., Ravets, S., Fatemi, F. K., Orozco, L. A., Rolston, S. L., Adv. At. Mol. Opt. Phy. 66, 439 (2017).
Tunable two-dimensional arrays of single Rydberg atoms for realizing quantum Ising models,
Labuhn, H., Barredo, D., Ravets, S., de Léséleuc, S., Macrì, T., Lahaye, T. and Browaeys, A., Nature 534, 667 (2016).
Measurement of the angular dependence of the dipole-dipole interaction between two individual Rydberg atoms at a Förster resonance,
Ravets, S., Labuhn, H., Barredo, D., Lahaye, T. and Browaeys, A., Phys. Rev. A 92, 020701(R) (2015).
Selected as PRA Editor’s suggestion.
Coherent excitation transfer in a spin chain of three Rydberg atoms,
Barredo, D., Labuhn, H., Ravets, S., Lahaye, T., Browaeys, A. and Adams, C. S., Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 113002 (2015).
Coherent dipole-dipole coupling between two single Rydberg atoms at an electrically-tuned Förster resonance,
Ravets, S., Labuhn, H., Barredo, D., Béguin, L., Lahaye, T., and Browaeys, A., Nat. Phys. 10, 914 (2014).
See News and Views, R. Löw, Nat. Phys. 10, 901 (2014).
Single-atom addressing in microtraps for quantum-state engineering using Rydberg atoms,
Labuhn, H., Ravets, S., Barredo, D., Béguin L., Nogrette, F., Lahaye, T. and Browaeys, A., Phys. Rev. A 90, 023415 (2014).
Single-atom trapping in holographic 2D arrays of microtraps with arbitrary geometries,
Nogrette, F., Labuhn, H., Ravets, S., Barredo, D., Béguin L., Vernier, A., Lahaye, T., and Browaeys, A., Phys. Rev. X 4, 021034 (2014).
Demonstration of a strong Rydberg blockade in three-atom systems with anisotropic interactions,
Barredo, D., Ravets, S., Labuhn, H., Béguin L., Vernier, A., Nogrette, F., Lahaye, T., and Browaeys, A., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 183002 (2014).
Ultrahigh transmission optical nanofibers,
Hoffman, J. E., Ravets, S., Grover, J. A., Solano, P., Kordell, P. R., Wong-Campos, J. D., Orozco, L. A., and Rolston, S. L., AIP Advances 4, 067124 (2014).
See Journal Highlights by AIP advances.
See Research Highlights by O. Graydon, Nature Photon. 8, 674 (2014).
2013 and before
A low-loss photonic silica nanofiber for higher-order modes,
Ravets, S., Hoffman, J. E., Orozco, L. A., Rolston, S. L., Beadie, G., and Fatemi, F. K., Opt. Express 21, 18325 (2013).
Intermodal energy transfer in a tapered optical fiber: optimizing transmission,
Ravets, S., Hoffman, J. E., Kordell, P. R., Wong-Campos, J. D., Rolston, S. L., and Orozco, L. A., J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 30, 2361 (2013).
Observing the Average Trajectories of Single Photons in a Two-Slit Interferometer,
Kocsis, S.*, Braverman, B.*, Ravets, S.*, Stevens, M. J., Mirin, R. P., Shalm, L. K., and Steinberg, A. M., Science 332, 6034 (2011).
See New Focus, A. Cho, Science 333, 6043 (2011).
Listed in first position of the IOP Physics World “top 10 breakthroughs for 2011”.
Surface plasmons in the Young slit doublet experiment,
Ravets, S., Rodier, J. C., Ea Kim, B.,Hugonin, J. P., Jacubowiez, L. and Lalanne, P., J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 26, B28 (2009).